The World Boxing Council has reviewed all of the information related to the upcoming fight announced for April 25 between Russian Andrey Meryasev and former champion Carlos Baldomir, and is urgently warning against it. 


This fight was also objected to by the Argentine Boxing Federation and FECOMBOX.


Baldomir is emerging from 17 months of inactivity, since his embarrassing performance against Marco Antonio Rubio. He has no permission from the Argentine Federation and has no medical exams.


Carlos Baldomir submitted an exit permit from an entity called World Pugilism Commission, and the fight is being accepted by the boxing commission of Kanasin, Yucatan, which is not affiliated with the FECOMBOX.


WBC President Mauricio Sulaiman warned such a fight would present an ultra high risk to Baldomir, as he's well past his best days.