Jessie Vargas and his team members plan to file a petition with the California State Athletic Commission to get Saturday's fight with Timothy Bradley changed to a non-contest due to the mishap in the twelfth round with referee Pat Russell at the StubHub Center in Carson, California.

Russell heard the signal for the last 10 seconds of round 12 and thought it was the sound of the bell, which immediately promoted him to stop the fight early. At the moment Russell had stopped the fight, Bradley had been rocked by a big right hand and Vargas was attempting to finish him off.

After Russell stopped the fight, Vargas claims Bradley went over to him and admitted defeat by praising him and congratulating him.

"My team led by Erik Morales did a good job and in the last round I was about to knock him out. I was not tired after the excellent camp I did for this fight. I just felt discomfort in my right hand from the wrap or the glove because it was numb," Vargas said.

"I thought I had knocked him out when the referee intervened. Bradley even came over and said I was a great champion, but then we got the result that Timothy won by unanimous decision."

Morales said the error was glaring.

"The referee is the highest authority and only he can stop the fight and he did just that when Jessie had Bradley hurt. [Eight seconds] is a long time. Julio Cesar Chavez knocked out Meldrick Taylor with one second left."