By Chris Robinson

The training camp for junior welterweight champion Timothy Bradley is starting to heat up.

On June 9th, Bradley moves up to the welterweight division when he challenges WBO champion and Filipino icon Manny Pacquiao inside of the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Speaking to Bradley’s trainer Joel Diaz at length recently, I was able to get some insight on how things are shaping up at their Palm Springs, California headquarters.

Bradley recently began sparring and Diaz seems very pleased with how he is looking in camp, noting that they are a bit ahead of schedule with the fight still over seven weeks away. While not revealing any names on who Bradley is sparring at this point, Diaz did admit that trying to find someone to emulate the style of Pacquiao in nearly impossible and that he is going to be bringing in young, fresh fighters throughout the camp.

During the coast to coast press tour to announce the fight in February, Bradley surprised many by unveiling a heavier frame that he had been carrying, as he had bulked up to well over 160 pounds. Asked how his fighter’s weight was coming along, Diaz had no worries and also pointed out where exactly Bradley is looking to be at for the weigh-in one night prior to the fight.

“As far as his weight, that’s not even an issue,” Diaz claimed. “He’s walking around right now at 155 [pounds]. He says ‘You know what coach? By the end of May, I want to be at 148. I want to be slim and fast and strong’. I told him ‘You don’t have to. I need you to be at 150, 152’. And he says ‘Coach, for that fight I’m going to come in at 145, 146’ and I asked ‘What for? I want you at 147’. He goes ‘Because I want to be solid muscle. Fast, solid muscle’. With his diet and the way he runs, he’s always looking really, really good.”

Pacquiao-Bradley is still nearly two months away but there is a great vibe in Camp Bradley.

“We’re putting the whole package together,” Diaz would add.

Expect a full, in-depth interview with Diaz to drop in the coming hours…

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Chris Robinson is based out of Las Vegas, Nevada. He can be reached at  and