By Phil D. Jay

Kimbo Slice's co-promoter has issued a swift response to Robert Bruce's story of Kimbo 'pulling out' of a potential meeting on February 11th in Springfield by claiming that no contract was ever offered to the unbeaten Missouri fighter.

Tony Holden, Kimbo's co-promoter has issued a blunt assurance regarding the statements coming out of Bruce's camp, that no offer existed and that they are currently in the process of reviewing potential opponents for their boxer's fourth professional bout.

"Gary Shaw and I would like to respond to the story circulating on the internet regarding Kimbo Slice "pulling out" of a fight with Robert Bruce," stated Holden.

"Unfortunately when you have a fighter with Kimbo Slice's popularity there are people who will attempt to gain publicity by making outrageous statements.

"Kimbo did not pull out of a fight with Mr. Bruce because no fight with Robert Bruce was ever made. Until reading the story I have never even heard of the guy and neither had Kimbo. We certainly never agreed to a fight wih him.

"We are currently looking at several options for Kimbo's next fight and will make an announcement shortly," he added.

Phil D. Jay covers boxing for