By Mike Coppinger

David Lemieux was impressive Saturday, punishing Gabe Rosado from the opening bell to the merciful end.

But the beating really took over in Round 3, when Rosado's eye closed shut. From that point on, Dr. Barry Jordan consistently checked Rosado between rounds, asking how many fingers he was holding up. Rosado now says that eye suffered real damage.

"Disappointed I couldn't pull off the win I broke my Orbital rim In the 3rd rd. I'm ok gonna spend time with my daughter and family," Rosado wrote on Twitter.

Rosado was confident that if he had both eyes, he could have topped Lemieux.

"I felt like I was doing good when I could box," Rosado told Max Kellerman. "I had a good game plan. I wanted to make him miss and counter but I was a little handicapped with the eye. I give him credit. He's a good fighter."

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