by Ronnie Nathanielsz

Fiery former North Cotabato governor Manny Pinol who manages super flyweight Edrin “The Sting” Dapudong has filed a formal complaint with IBO president Ed Levine over the scoring of American judge Michael Pernick in the title fight between Dapudong and South Africa’s Gideon Buthelezi in Johannesburg, South Africa last November 10.

Pinol accused Pernick of “abusing his discretionary authority in scoring the fight, especially round 9 when Dapudong scored a knockdown which Pernick scored 10-9 while British judge Reg Thompson and even South African judge Tony Nyangiwe who was obviously biased in favor of Buthelezi scored it 10-8.”

Pinol said that when he confronted Pernick the morning after the fight over what he described as “ his questionable scoring not only of Round 9 but also of the first three rounds which were clearly won by Dapudong as reflected in the scorecards of Judge Thompson” the judge “arrogantly bragged that he had judged over 60 world championship fights, including the fight of Manny Pacquiao against Ricky Hatton, as if to insinuate that this gives him the license to score the fight as he wishes.”

For the record Pacquiao separated Hatton from his senses in two rounds and there was no need for scorecards.

Pinol quoted Pernick as telling him "That's how I saw the round" which he arrogantly declared in front of the IBO vice president for South Africa, Len Hunt, and Judge Thompson.

Pinol said that “many spectators of that 12-round fight at the Emperor's Palace in Johannesburg were convinced that the Filipino was the better fighter.”

The Manila Standard itself quoted South African media reports in its own letter to IBO president Levine as well as promoter Rodney Berman’s Golden Gloves website which made a scathing comment  over the results of the Dapudong-Buthelezi  fight.

The promoters said  “Bleeding from the nose and badly bruised around the left eye, Buthelezi took a beating. But he got lucky with the judges.” Golden Gloves said "It was rough justice on Dapudong, who was the sharper and busier of the two fighters. Little wonder he looked perplexed and distraught when the scorecards were announced.”

The boxing website added "Dapudong must have thought he had the fight in the bag when he delivered a flash nine-count knockdown on Buthelezi in the ninth round.”

In view of the facts mentioned Pinol sought formal action from the IBO:

1. An immediate review of the video recorded fight between Dapudong and Buthelezi to be conducted by an impartial panel of respected boxing judges. I believe that had Pernick correctly scored the first three rounds where he gave the second round to Buthelezi even while the South African fighter was flailing on the ropes and badly punished, and had he correctly scored the knockdown in the 9th, Dapudong would have won the fight in his scorecard 114-113 and he could won the title.

2. The immediate suspension of Mr. Pernick as an IBO sanctioned boxing judge pending the results of the review of the video recording of the fight.

3. Should the IBO review panel conclude that the judging in the Dapudong-Buthelezi fight was irregular, that an order for a rematch be issued by the boxing body which Pinol said he has considered “as one of the more respectable boxing organizations and an admirer of your computerized ranking program. I believe that your immediate action on this formal complaint would prove to us who work hard to help young boys achieve their dreams in the sport that the IBO represents what is right and what is just in the sport.”

Dapudong’s manager also commended Golden Gloves Boxing Promotions of South Africa “ for the kind attention that we were given during our stay and the excellent preparations they made for the world title fight. I also believe that the actions of Mr. Pernick do not necessarily mean that the promoters were a party to his act of injustice. I also would like to commend your Africa Vice President Len Hunt for his professionalism and for encouraging me to formally write to you to file this complaint.”