North Wales star Paul Economides returns to the ring at the Liverpool Echo Arena on April 22 as he goes up against the dangerous Mark Evans on the undercard to the excellent battle pitting local favourite Martin Murray tackling exciting American Gabe Rosado.

After flirting around title class for lengthy spells, Economides is desperate to push on towards higher prizes and his manager Dave Coldwell believes a victory over Evans can propel his man towards more lucrative opportunities.

“Paul is a game fighter who’s always ready no matter what the occasion and this is a fight that I’m hoping can put him on the radar,” buzzed Coldwell.

“He’s gone about a lot of his work quietly in recent years but he’s someone I’ve been working with for quite a while now and I’ve got hope that one or two solid performances can open the doors for a big fight for him.

“He always does what is asked of him and this fight is something he’s really excited about as it’s an opponent who’ll have his own eyes on bigger fights and it’s also a fight that’s taking place on a huge show.

“This is exactly what Paul is in boxing for. Good fights on a big stage and he's had this sort of experience before when he performed well on Sky before and perhaps should've got the verdict against Sean Davies in Birmingham last October. He didn't let the occasion get to him and he boxed really but was unlucky with the decision.”

Economides, excited by the challenge posed by his fellow Welshman, is relishing the first bell.

“The moment I heard about the fight motivated me 100 per cent and now I’m desperate to just stay in the gym and put the finishing touches to what will be an amazing night for me,” he said.

“Evans is a good fighter who’ll have his own ambitions but this is the type of challenge that I’ve need to get me going again and get me back up the rankings so I can get myself near some sort of title chance.

“I’m well aware of all the hard work and dedication that Dave Coldwell is showing behind the scenes and I’m so grateful towards him and Matchroom for getting me such a meaningful opportunity so now I’ve got to get in there and justify why I deserve to be on shows like this.”