By Luis Sandoval

Undefeated 140lb contender Vernon Paris will look to try to get himself into position for a world title shot as he takes on Zab “Super” Judah this Saturday night in an IBF eliminator at the Aviator Arena in Brooklyn, NY. The Detroit native was on’s official audio show The Boxing Lab and spoke about the upcoming bout.

The 24 year old Paris is going into this fight very confident and proof of that is his willingness to fight Zab in his hometown. While Paris knows he’ll be going into hostile territory, he’s actually also looking forward to it.

“I feel good about going down to Brooklyn. I’ve never been there before. I’m going to do a little shopping, I’m going to whoop Zab’s ass and I’m going to enjoy myself” said an animated Paris. “Like I told everyone, I have no fear in the world coming to Brooklyn. I’ve never been there before [so] I look forward to it. I look forward to the crowd”.

Both fighters have already traded words via the media during the lead up to the fight. Paris is no stranger to trash talk as he did quite a bit for his fight against Tim Coleman last year. Vernon reassures that Zab and his team can say whatever they want but they aren’t going to intimidate him.

“I’m 24 years old and I don’t care. There’s nothing they can say to scare me. I’ve been shot in the head. I’ve been stabbed. I don’t care. You can’t scare me. So I don’t even know why they waste their time doing that. I sit back, me and my pops, and we just laugh at these guys” said Paris.

Vernon feels he’s ready for the next stage and to start taking on the elite and big names at the Junior Welterweight division. Paris admits he took short money for this fight but understands the reward comes after and he’s simply paying his dues to get where he needs to be. From talking to Paris you understand that to him, Zab is just another road block to get through on his way to the top.

“I got a lot of respect for Zab but Zab, your time is up. I’m coming to get you. You got what I need. I need your name on the resume and then I move on and fight for the championship of the world” expressed Vernon.

If Paris is indeed successful on Saturday night, he would be next in line to face the winner of the Amir Khan-Lamont Peterson rematch taking place on May 19th in Las Vegas, NV. Paris would want nothing more than to face the winner but according to him, he already has a good idea of who his opponent would be.

“Sad as it is to say, I would like to face Khan because I know the purse will probably be bigger but I think me and Peterson are going to end up fighting each other. I’m just going to keep it real. I think Peterson is the better fighter. I think he’s the stronger fighter. I think he’s got Khan’s number” said the Detroit native.

Before Paris can sit back with his feet up waiting for the winner, he needs to make sure he’s the winner against Judah Saturday night. In Judah’s last fight against Khan, some felt he looked for a way out of the fight when Khan landed a borderline body shot that Judah claimed was low. He made no attempt to get up and complained to the referee afterwards. Paris had a message for Zab for when they meet in the squared circle.

“Don’t look for all the little ways to get up out of it. Don’t look for the low blows. Come fight. Be a man and come fight. He can march around the ring, run, hoot, holler and scream. Stick his tongue out. He can do all that but it ain’t gonna work” said Paris.

“Everyone says I’m a trash talker but naw. I’m a young man that’s confident. It’s my time”.

You can follow Luis Sandoval on Twitter @Truewest007. You can also tune in to The Boxing Lab, Boxingscene’s official audio show every Tuesday from 6-8PM PST with hosts Ernest Gabion, Luis Sandoval, and Ryan Burton.