Luis De Cubas Sr, promoter for WBA 'regular' super middleweight champion David Morrell, would love to match his boxer against fellow unbeaten David Benavidez.

For several months, the two boxers have been trading words in the media.

De Cubas is confident his fighter, who has less experience, would prevail in a potential clash.

“We have spoken with [Premier Boxing Champions] and one hundred percent we love it. Look at Benavidez's record, he hasn't fought anyone that good. He fights small men like [David] Lemieux, his previous rival was a middleweight, another was Canelo's sparring partner. Benavidez has been well protected," De Cubas told George Ebro.

“With the men who they have put him in with, he has closed the show well. Everyone is afraid of him, but he really hasn't beaten anyone big you could say. We've done the same as Morell.... the men he has faced, he's done what he had to do."

In Morrell's most recent fight, with Kalvin Henderson, the Cuban boxer took some shots. De Cubas explains that he doesn't see that happening against Benavidez.

The veteran promoter is backing Morrell to end Benavidez within eight rounds or less.

“[In Morrell's last fight he] got hit with some punches that he's not going to receive with Benavidez, because he is going to fight him in a different way. He will fight him much smarter. I can only tell Benavidez's father to study boxing well. His son is a lefty turned right. He has a tremendous left hook, but he's not going to be able to jab at Morell, because [Morrell] going to take the jab away. It will be a very interesting fight," De Cubas said.

“In seven or eight rounds we are going to beat Benavidez. The fight will not go beyond that. He has never faced anyone like Morell. He says that he has more experience, but Morell has more than 140 amateur fights. I listen to the comments, that this fight is 50-50, that Morell is a better boxer, but that Benavidez beats him because of the experience. Showtime executives want Benavidez to fight someone. He beat an old Dirrell, but he's a good fighter."