By Mike Mollo

What I did the other night in the ring just wasn't enough [in TKO loss on Saturday in rematch with Krzysztof Zimnoch]. My body gave out on me, my shoulder gave. My punches didn't have the effect they should have. 

With these pics I respectfully announce that my time as a pro fighter is over. 17 years of fighting and I've run my course. I refuse to fight inferior competition and the training is just too much on me to compete with the elite.

I suffered a concussion 3 weeks prior this fight in sparring and got another one during this fight.

I love my family too much to put them through this and to put myself through this.  This is the most unforgiving sport in the world.  Once things are done they are done. There is no coming back from brain injuries. They are forever. 

I've been in some serious wars and earned my stripes in this sport and no one can take that from me.  All I want to say to all my family friends and fans is that I hope I got you out of ur seats, I hope I gave you a reason to love boxing, I hope I gave you a reason to be passionate about whatever it is that you do by my testimony. 

My God bless all of you and may God have his hand in and on all of your lives who are willing.  I love you all. "I didn't hear no bell"