By Edward Chaykovsky

Manager and former champion Barry McGuigan gave high marks to heavyweight Tyson Fury (23-0, 17KOs) for his ability in the ring, but also raised some concerns. He sees cracks in Fury's armor when it comes to his chin and his mental state.

McGuigan also downplays Fury's claim of being a very deadly puncher at the weight. Based on Fury's performances, he is not a one-punch knockout artist. He tends to break opponents down and wear them out.

The reality is there are not many big guys that can fight. I liked Fury’s size and the fact that he had plenty of natural ability. He has developed into a rounded fighter, though he does not punch as hard as he thinks he does and he is vulnerable about the whiskers," McGuigan told The Mirror.

"That said, any man standing 6ft 9ins and weighing north of 18 stones can knock a wall over if he turns his weight over properly. The real question mark over Fury is his temperament. Like the fighter after whom he was named, Fury can be emotional and unpredictable. From one day to the next you never quite know what you might get. If he keeps his discipline and focus Fury has every chance against Wilder. Klitschko is another story, however."

Fury returns on February 28th in London, when he faces big underdog Christian Hammer.