by David P. Greisman

Ronnie Shields (Chavez Jr.): “I like Peter Manfredo. He’s a very talented guy. He has a lot of heart. But he’s not the kind of guy that’s going to move around and box, and I don’t think he can. I don’t think he’s going to out-box Chavez Jr. I think Chavez Jr. is going to be too big and too strong. I think Manfredo is going to be right there to be hit.

“If Manfredo was the kind of fighter that could stick and move and know how to hold when Chavez gets close, then I would say he had a chance, but he ain’t that kind of guy. He’s the kind of guy who stands right in front of you, and as long as he stands in front of Chavez Jr., he’s [Chavez Jr.] going to pick him apart. I say Chavez Jr. by maybe six-round knockout.”

Eddie Mustafa Muhammad (Manfredo Jr.): “That’s a pretty even fight. I’m leaning more toward Manfredo, because he has more experience. He’s fought a little bit better opposition, but not much. I’m leaning a little bit toward Manfredo, by decision, because both of those guys are not relatively hard punchers.”

Henry Ramirez (Chavez Jr.): “To be honest, I really don’t follow Chavez Jr. that much. I know he’s improved quite a bit. I know he’s working with Freddie Roach. Being over there at the Wild Card, I’m sure he has to step up his game a little bit. … I think Manfredo can give him fits, but I just think Chavez Jr. is probably going to beat him, probably by decision.”

John Scully (Manfredo Jr.): “I guess Peter’s the underdog, and I’ve read a lot of people saying he’s outgunned, etc. — I think very, very, very, very unjustly. I think Peter gets a bad rap because of the TV show, because of “The Contender.” … Peter’s a very solid contender, much more than he gets credit for.

“I think he certainly has the tools to win the fight, if the judging is up to par. I’m not saying he’s definitely going to win, but I can see him winning, I can see him maybe even exposing Chavez Jr. in a way, who is another guy I think is better than he gets credit for. But if everything is on the up and up, I honestly would go with Peter to win the decision.”

Kevin Cunningham (Chavez Jr.): “I think Chavez Jr. wins, but I think it might go the distance. I think Peter Manfredo, he knows his way around the ring well enough to know how to survive, and go the distance pretty much. It’ll be a 12-round unanimous decision. Chavez Jr. will win and dominate the fight for 12 rounds, but I think Peter Manfredo has enough wherewithal, enough ability to survive and go the distance with this kid.”

David P. Greisman is a member of the Boxing Writers Association of America. Follow David on Twitter at or on Facebook at, or send questions and comments to