John Simpson beat Choi Tseveenpurev for the vacant WBC international super-featherweight title at the Emirates Arena in Glasgow.

After 12 tough rounds the judges awarded it 116-112, 117-112, 116-113 to the Scot with his opponent racing from the ring in disgust after the announcement, before returning to take a bow.

It was not the most entertaining of fights.

After a cagey first round the fight exploded in the second with the 41-year-old Mongolian finding Simpson's chin with several punches and good work to the body too.

The Greenock fighter, 29, responded but was finding his opponent hard to pin down.

A burst nose for Simpson in the fourth added to his clear frustration and caused his fans some concern.

Choi was coming out on top in the exchanges, his left hook finding its way through the Scotsman's defence with regularity.

Simpson started the seventh round with some purpose and worked his way back into the fight as Choi began to look less energetic.

Both boxers were having decent spells but the snap had left their punches.

A good left and right by Simpson probably edged him the ninth round and he looked to have Choi in trouble at the start of the 10th but could not follow it up with anything really convincing.

The penultimate round was mostly uneventful, Simpson landing one good right, and in the final round, it was two tired boxers who saw out the fight with the home fighter getting the nod from all three judges.