By Terence Dooley

In a further development the Continuity IRA has said that they are responsible for the weigh-in shootings in Dublin on Friday afternoon. One man was killed by gunmen, two others were injured and the attack has left many in shock.

Three men wearing police uniforms burst into the Regency Hotel during the weigh-in for an MGM and Queensberry co-promotion, another gunman was dressed in drag and sat in the crowd before opening fire with a handgun. Police have named David Byrne, a 34-year-old from Dublin, as the man who was killed.

Initially, the Gardaí attributed the attack to a gangland war only for the BBC to reveal that the Continuity IRA have released a statement taking credit for the incident.

They claim that it was retribution for the killing of Alan Ryan, a former IRA member who was in shot in 2012 in what was described as a 'targeted attack' by police. There was speculation at the time that he was targeted by gangland figures as part of an ongoing feud.

“Although not a member of our organisation, we are not going to stand back and allow drug dealers and criminals to target republicans,” said spokesman when speaking to the BBC. “This will not be an isolated incident. Continuity IRA units have been authorised to carry out further operations.”

The police have currently got the city in lockdown to prevent further incidents or reprisals, but today’s statement from the CIRA could mean that the city will see more violence going forward and it leaves the Irish boxing scene is a precarious position.

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