By Phil D. Jay

Heavyweight contender Tyson Fury's trainer and uncle Peter Fury has talked candidly about the negotiations regarding a possible fight between his fighter and British champion David Price after a weekend of baiting surrounding the fight.

Fury was seen live on Channel 5 calling out Price, whilst Frank Maloney did the same after the Liverpudlian took apart Audley Harrison in just over 80 seconds at the Echo Arena by putting up £500,000 for the fight.

Peter Fury has now spoken exclusively to WBN to clear-up his side of previous negotiations and World Boxing News would like to add that these views are entirely those of Peter Fury and not of

By Peter Fury

Yesterday has seen some very derogatory comments, from mainly David Price fans, on Tyson's response to Frank Maloney's challenge on BoxNation after his victory over Audley Harrison. I will name Maloney here as Golem from Lord of the rings. Why will become clear as I explain to the British public the past history of events surrounding Price v Fury.

It is a fact that Golem was offered £125,000 by Mick Hennessy to box Tyson on Channel 5. Golem declined this offer quoting the fight would have to go on Sky TV, only to find out later that not only did he refuse the fight with Price, the reason he gave regarding Sky was false as he never actually had a deal with Sky.

He screwed that deal up and lied to the public and us with his bogus Sky deal! Then we hear Golem spouting about 'Chicken Tyson' refuses to fight etc, when the fact is he lost his sky deal and now he's got Price fighting on BoxNation! Whereby if Golem would have taken the offer, the Price fight would have gone on terrestrial TV and Price would have been paid well and the rest history.

I was then told that Golem approached Mick Hennessy again to do some joint deal whereby Price gets screened on Channel 5 and after four fights, pair them with each other? All a little too late when he declined our  first offer.

Due to his deceit and lies levelled against my nephew and putting his name into disrepute with the fight fans quoting 'Tyson Chicken Fury,' Golem the cheat and deceit artist can no longer be any part of any negotiations with myself, my friend Mick Hennessy or Tyson in any capacity!

When Golem calls my family cowards to cover his lies when he was offered the deal in the first place, he has no room to broker anything with us in its entirety. However, we at Team Fury and Hennessy Sports want this fight and we noted Golem again for his tricks by offering £500,000 for the fighters at the weekend.

A fight between the two men is career defining for them both. This is a massive fight that the whole UK and beyond want to see. We and Hennessy Sports are confident of a sell out arena of up to 80,000 capacity. I know Tyson wants this fight as he and Price have young families and I'm sure both men need to get this fight on as soon as possible.

If talks are to progress and gross the boxers their rightful pay days, then leave Golem out of it as he screwed the last deal up. I strongly suggest that Price's team contact Mick direct themselves and lets do the deal without greedy liar Golem in the middle.

By all means Team Price can give Golem what they like from their pie as that's theirs to choose. But we want nothing more to do with him whatsoever! This is a massive fight that needs to happen in the spring of next year.

Tyson is almost there in sealing a deal whereby he faces a top ten world rated opponent for December 1st and this will be for the number one slot with the WBC. Tyson would then defend that ranking against David Price instead of opting for a world title challenge.

So here it is in the public domain without some Hobbit playing games. Let this fight happen as we want it and the public want it. Make the call and let's get it on!

This is the biggest clash of the heavyweights in the UK for years!

We respect Price and his talents and we also understand the passion of his fans. Tyson has endured flack as a direct result of Golem's false misleading allegations .Tyson comes from a history of fighting people generations back and to have him insulted by some parasite Hobbit is to us, the limit.

Regarding vacating the British belt, the Hobbit firstly refused Hennessy's offer. We wanted purse bids as if he was successful, this meant Tyson would have then have to box on BoxNation and this would have put Tyson and Hennessy sports in complications with Channel 5.

Tyson has enjoyed a massive audience as a result of Channel 5's coverage and this station has much more viewers than the other said channels. This left Tyson with no choice but to vacate the belts in order that he can progress his career with Hennessy Sports and Channel 5 TV.

We hope this fight will now happen as it should have over one year ago! Tyson wants it. The public want it so lets make this fight happen!

Phil D. Jay covers boxing for