By Tim Kudgis

Last week I had the chance to speak with heavyweight Francios Botha regarding the controversy and aftermath of his fight with Sonny Bill Williams.  The controversy started when the fight was mysteriously changed from a twelve round to a ten round fight right before the bout began, which led to questions about the authenticity of the WBA International title that was advertised to be at stake. Also word broke out that Botha tested positive for various PED.'s when his samples were tested following the fight.  Then word spread that a rematch could be in place in December but nothing is officially set in stone.  The "White Buffalo" shared some insight into the situations at hand.

On Sonny Bill Williams options & the original contract:

"This boy Sonny Bill Williams has no option but to fight the White Buffalo again!"

"There was a contact that was signed when Sonny Bill Williams came to South Africa about a year and a half ago.  That was a 10 round bout here in South Africa.  That fight never took place."

On the WBA & the rematch:

"I have already been in discussion with the WBA.  There is going to be no match fixing or doping.  It is going to be for the WBA International Championship in South Africa.  Where the real men are going to come out.  He has no choice but to fight the Buffalo."

On if Sonny Boy Williams will fight him again:

"I think he is going to give it up (WBA International title).  He had a little taste of deep water and he didn't like it.  He almost drowned.  Hopefully he will do it.  If not his profession will be diminished.  He will never be respected.  I hope for his sake he will take it and come fight the Buffalo.  Otherwise Sonny Bill Williams will never be the same.  He will never be a high level athlete and will be known a garbage!"

On reports of failing a drug test:

"I went to a lab and took some blood tests and  urine tests.  Only to find out that the guy is in relation to the guys [on Williams' team], maybe brother-in-law or something.  I was told I failed and was very upset.  I came home to South Africa.  I came home that Sunday evening.  On Monday I went to get my own blood tests and urine samples.  They came back negative.  These guys did everything in the world to get me to lose!"

Tim Kudgis is a co-host/producer of ATG Radio which is LIVE every Monday & Wednesday from 7-9pm PST and can be found on  He also proudly cover the AZ boxing scene for  You can follow him on twitter @BigTimeTimmyATG or email him question and/or comments to