By Miguel Rivera

On the eve of his 43rd birthday, former three division world champion Felix 'Tito' Trinidad made a special visit in Atlanta.

The 'people's champion' of Puerto Rico made a surprise to visit to Prichard Colón, the young welterweight who has been in a coma since last October after losing a fight against Terrell Williams in Virginia. That fight has been a source of controversy due to the referee's inability to control or penalize Williams for excessive rabbit punchers, which led to Colon suffering a brain bleed.

The family of 23 year old fighter posted a picture on Facebook, which shows Trinidad talking to the bedridden fighter. The former fighter was accompanied by his mother and sister.

"Prichard showed signs of excitement to hear and feel his idol," read the letter from Colon's family. "He shook his head looking for the voices of Tito and [Trinidad's mom], according to them they spoke to him and he tried to move his mouth, as if he was looking to speak."

Trinidad, a member of the International Boxing Hall of Fame, turns 43 today.

"I came with my mom and one of my sisters ... we talked and prayed for him, with great faith with his father and mother. It was a beautiful experience and I have great hope that God will raise him up and out of that bed," said Trinidad to El Nuevo Dia.