By Matt Bevan

At 26 it’s safe to say Kieran Farrell didn’t expect that he would be promoting shows in his hometown of Manchester.

At 22 he collapsed following a barnstorming clash with future world champion Anthony Crolla and his fighting career was in tatters.

However, rather than complain, Farrell refused to leave the boxing world that he loved behind, picking up his amateur and pro trainer’s licence before adding his manager’s and promoter’s licences.

And the Heywood man has thrown into the promotional waters with the aim of making a name for himself and producing champions.

Farrell promoted three shows last year and already has two scheduled on February 10, before he starts his exciting venture over in Belfast on April 22 alongside former world champion and revered pundit Glenn McCrory, who will now be training Irish fighters.

He told Boxing Scene: “I love boxing and of course it was really hard after the Crolla fight, but I got on with it. I’m not like other people who moan that boxing owes me a living, I’m not like that, so although it was forced on me, I went out and did this.

“Now I’m hungry to produce champions and it boils down to me being able to see one of my lads lift a title over their head. I’ll get a right kick out of that. Now I’ve got this link in Belfast, where I trained for a year with John Breen, I can’t wait to get going with that as well.”

Farrell, known as ‘Vicious' in his fighting days, explained that the link up with McCrory came totally by chance, but he is not doing things by half. Leading the way among his seven new signings is 2014 Commonwealth Games light-heavyweight bronze medalist Sean McGlinchy from Derry.

He is hoping to become a big name in what he says is a starved market with less shows happening each year. However, he adds that a lot of the success will, as ever, come down to his lads and the tickets they sell, something he hopes will be boosted with the introduction of a £20 ticket.

Farrell claims that it is just the beginning of his Irish promotional adventure as he will be travelling over on Wednesday to add more fighters to his stable over the Irish Sea.

“I met Glenn by chance after going to a show. We ended up sat next to each other and just got talking. We’d spoke before but only on Twitter, so we didn't know each other well and we both had a brief chat about doing something.

“I don’t think he thought I was too serious, but I spoke to my missus and she told me to go for it. So I booked the flights and spoke with plenty of lads, so very quickly word got out and brought some lads desperate for a chance out of the woodwork.

“I’ve got more lads to sign so I’m going back to Wednesday! I love Belfast and I trained there for a year with John. Eamonn Magee became almost a part of my family too, so it’s nice to have Sean on board. I’ve seen shows over there and I really think I can do it better.

“It’s a big market, but there are barely any shows. But, it does come down to the lads to make it work, because it’s not like I’m a big famous name in Belfast. I’m doing my own thing, including £20 tickets, which I wish I had when I was fighting as I would have killed it on tickets.

“I want to help these guys and help their careers. You hear stories from fighters getting robbed by promoters, but I can assure anyone reading that won’t happen with me. I’m positive that me and Glenn can make this a massive success.”