by David P. Greisman

On one hand, no harm, no foul. Badou Jack still left with his world title after a majority draw against Lucian Bute in a fight that looked as if it should’ve been a victory for Jack.

On the other hand, there’s still a draw on Jack’s record now, even if he didn’t suffer a second loss.

Two judges — Omar Mintun of Mexico and Glen Crocker of Texas — had it even at 114-114, while D.C. area judge Stephen Rados had Jack winning 117-111, or nine rounds to three.

Although Mintun and Crocker ended up with the same score, they only agreed on 8 of the 12 rounds.

In comparison, Mintun and Rados agreed on seven of the 12. It was Crocker who was the outlier, agreeding with Radios on only five of the 12 rounds.

All three judges had Jack winning rounds 1 and 2.

Mintun and Rados had Jack winning Round 3, while Crocker gave the edge to Bute.

All three judges had Jack winning Round 4 and had Bute winning round 5.

Mintun and Crocker felt Round 6 belonged to Bute, while Rados had it for Jack.

After six, Mintun had it 4-2 for Jack, Crocker had it 3-3, and Rados had it 5-1 for Jack.

Mintun and Crocker felt Round 7 belonged to Jack, while Rados had it for Bute.

Round 8 went to Jack on Mintun and Rados’ cards, while Crocker felt it was Bute’s.

There was plenty of disagreement in the final third of the fight.

Each of the last four rounds went to Bute on Mintun’s scorecard. Crocker agreed with him in Round 10 and 11, otherwise giving Jack rounds 9 and 12. Rados gave Jack rounds 9, 10 and 11 and had Bute winning the 12th.

There were only four rounds in which all three judges agreed.

If we were to take a score from “majority rules” — in which a fighter gets the edge from at least 2 of the 3 judges for that round — then Jack would’ve won seven rounds (1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9) while Bute would’ve won five rounds (5, 6, 10, 11 and 12). That would’ve given Jack a 115-113 victory.

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