By Ryan Burton

126 pound WBA champion Celestino "Pelenchin" Caballero doesn't know when he is returning to the ring. We welcomed the two division champion to the latest edition of's official audio show, The Boxing Lab to discuss his career status.

In a recent article with BoxingScene's Rick Reeno, boxing agent Sampson Lewkowicz said that Caballero's former  adviser/Panamanian promoter Rogelio Espino persuaded Caballero to not fight Garcia in September.

Lewkowicz, who doesn't promote either boxer, is staging this fight after winning the WBA's purse bid with a submission of $440,000.

Caballero said that September 7th is too far away and that he was more than willing to face Garcia on July 28th. He also disputed claims that he wanted to fight at home in Panama.

"Sampson said they I wanted the fight in Panama but that's not true," Caballero would tell us.  "Sampson should have got a big network to put the fight on in July and not Telefutura and not wait till September.  This is a big fight and should have a big network."

Pelenchin has been in Las Vegas for over a month preparing for the fight with his trainer Jeff Mayweather.  He said that not only does a five week postponement cause him to incur additional costs but that it violates the terms if the purse bid.

"I was getting ready for July 28th and then they changed the fight date without consulting me first. For a mandatory fight they must have the fight happen within 120 days," Caballero explained.

"I didn't want to fight on September 7th. I want to fight on July 28th. I am here in Las Vegas and extending the fight date just gives me more expenses. I never said I wouldn't fight. I just said I wanted to fight in July like we originally agreed to," he continued. 

After listening to Caballero explain his side of the story I got the feeling that one of the main issues is that Caballero feels disrespected and that he hasn't been asked for input in regards to the venue and changes in the date. Caballero agreed with my assessment.

"Exactly," Caballero said in agreement before speaking in third person. "Caballero runs his own career. I am my own manager. They need to communicate with me and not just with the promoters.  They are disrespecting me. They need to speak to me about the fight plans before they change them."

Send questions or comments to Follow Ryan on Twitter @ringsidewriter and tune in to The Boxing Lab, BoxingScene's official audio on Tuesdays. The show is hosted by Ernie Gabion, Luis Sandoval and Ryan Burton.