By Ryan Burton

Super featherweight contender Juan Carlos Burgos went to a controversial twelve round draw with WBO champion Rocky Martinez last Saturday in New York. He joined us on The Boxing Lab, BoxingScene's official audio show to talk about the fight. 

"I think I definitely deserved to win. Lots of people told me I won but for some reason two judges didn't think I won. I can't really explain why that is.  I thought I clearly did more than enough to win. There wasn't any doubt I won," Burgos explained.

We asked Burgos if he thought that something dirty might have gone on behind the scenes to affect the decision. I also brought up Martinez's previous fight which was split decision victory over Miguel Beltran that some people thought Beltran deserved the victory.

"I think (something was dirty).  Obviously in New York there is a big Boricua influence so that is a very big possibility," Burgos opined.

"I thought Beltran beat Martinez too but Puerto Rico doesn't have any champions so maybe they are just doing whatever it takes so they have a champion.  It isn't fair but that's the way it is.  Hopefully I get the rematch so let's see what happens," he continued.

Burgos said that his team is already working on securing an immediate rematch. He said that he will review the fight to correct his mistakes and will train to knock Martinez out should a rematch take place.

"My promoter is working on trying to secure that rematch.  Martinez knows that he got a gift draw.  I know I won the fight. I put Martinez in some bad predicaments.  The only times I had problems was when I was in the ropes but Martinez was pushing me into them and even then he wasn't landing many punches.  The punches he landed weren't really that hard.

"We will try to get the fight in a place that is neutral for me and for him.  I am going to go study the fight and see what errors I made and that Martinez made so I can fix my mistakes and capitalize on his.  We will train on scoring a knockout," Burgos revealed.


You can listen to the interview in its entirety by clicking here:

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