Toowoomba boxer “The Great White” Brayd Smith will only take a short break over Christmas as he looks to get back into the ring early next year following his most impressive win of his career last Wednesday night in Melbourne.

The 22 year old law student scored a 1st round knock out over Indonesia’s Eric Diaz Siregar on the undercard of Sam Soliman vs Les Sherrington. It was a pair of devastating body shots which left the much more experienced Siregar on the canvas and unable to continue the bout.

However even through the Christmas break and university holidays, Smith’s mind has quickly turned towards his next challenge.

“I am very happy with my last performance,” said Brayd Smith

“It has been a massive year. I claimed my first titles, fought through a broken hand which forced me to then undertake a long period of rehabilitation for it but then finished the year with a bang with two first round KO’s.”

“I am stoked with where I am in my career at the moment with not only the boxing but my studies as well but I can not wait to continue the journey. I will have a short break over Christmas but I will be back in the full swing of training on January 2 aiming for a fight in February or early March before university starts back up”.

Trainer and manager Brendon Smith said he is also very happy with the year for Brayd.

“He started the year with a broken hand and had to fight through that,” said Brendon Smith.

“However once that was all healed up and he was able to train properly with two hands he has really been on top of his game and it has shown in his last two performances”.

“The plan is now to have short rest and get back in the ring in February or early March”.