COLDWELL BOXING is delighted to announce that amateur boxers under the age of sixteen will be able to watch their shows for just £10.

Starting with the Liverpool Echo Arena bill headlined by Tony Bellew's British title clash with Danny McIntosh on April 27, amateur boxers can pay £10 on the night for an unreserved seat. All they have to produce is their medical card and photo i.d when paying for their ticket.

For the upcoming Birmingham (Friday 11 May) and Rotherham (Friday 8th June) shows, £3 out of every ticket bought will be given to their amateur club and the offer will also be available on all of their future shows.

Entry into professional shows is expensive, especially in the current financial climate, and promoter Dave Coldwell is happy to give something back to the sport.

Coldwell said: "We feel that many of our fans and stars of the future cannot get to watch boxing live because times are hard right now and by putting this offer into practice we are doing our bit to help the sport grow.

"I appreciate that the amateur clubs put their time and effort in without much financial reward and it's difficult for them to keep going. £3 per ticket is only a small help, but if they become a regular follower of our shows maybe it can add up to pay a bill over the course of a year.

"A lot of kids shouldn't have to miss out on going to see the big fights because watching the top shows is a great experience for them and we're very happy to be able to offer this deal."