By Victor Salazar

Barclays Center, Brooklyn - The loss may have been a victory when it comes to the stock of New York fighter Chris Algieri. Under the new tutelage of John David Jackson, it seems that there were more tools in the shed than was expected in his loss to Amir Khan. If nothing else, Algieri showed that he’s more than a guy that boxes off the back foot and can press forward.

“The style was definitely to put pressure on Amir, “Algieri told “We wanted to impose my physical strength. I felt that I was having great success. I felt that the second part of the fight was going to be mine. I feel I won the fight. There was action because I was pressing. I felt like I landed the cleaner harder shots. I felt it was definitely my fight. That happens sometimes.”

Algieri feels that’s the way he’s going to fight from now on because it was fun and it suits him more.

“That’s the way I like to fight, put pressure and punch,” stated Algieri. “He (John David Jackson) gave me the ok to it and I loved it. Khan definitely knew he was in a fight. I can’t really speak on how he feels but we were in a fight but there were times that I felt he was uncomfortable”

Algieri feels that if Khan wanted a statement win for Mayweather, it wasn’t last night and even says Khan’s power doesn’t compare to his two previous opponents, Ruslan Provodnikov and Manny Pacquiao.

“What do you think?” Algieri said. “Was that a statement win for Khan? I don’t [think it was]. In terms of his power, I can’t compare it to a guy like Ruslan or Pacquiao."