By Ryan Burton

Newly crowned WBC featherweight champion Abner Mares (26-0-1) appeared on the most recent edition of BoxingScene Radio. The three division champion spoke to us about his victory over Daniel Ponce De Leon on May 4th at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.

Mares gave credit to his team for developing the perfect game plan to defeat the tough southpaw.  The 27-year-old said that the sparring partner they used was his trainer Clemente Medina's son Manuel.  He said that the younger Medina was adept at mimicking Ponce' style.

"The plan was going perfect thanks to my one and only sparring partner - Clemente's son, Manuel Medina. He helped adapt to Ponce's style.  It was all a team effort with me, Clemente (trainer) and Luis Garcia my strength and conditioning coach and the whole time," stated Mares who said that he was confident he would be able to outbox his opponent.

"He was helping me by showing what types of angles he was going to come from and what types of punches he was throwing.  People were saying it was going to be a war but I knew I could box and it didn't have to be that hard.   I think I am passed that time where I feel I have to just pressure and throw a bunch of punches."

BoxingScene Radio's Ernest Gabion asked Mares what he thought about comments from Mexican icon Juan Manuel Marquez that recently appeared on  In the article Marquez said that Mares had a chance to go down as one of the all time greats in Mexican boxing history.  Mares was flattered by Marquez's comments but said that he will leave the rankings to the fans.

"It is big man. It is great especially hearing it from a great champion like Juan Manuel Marquez. I know I just need to keep training hard and where I rank I will leave that to the people," Mares stated.

You can listen to the interview in its entirety by clicking here:

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